Micro Service Management Platform with AI

"Integrated system development platform for rapidly building MSA architecture systems in cloud environments."

Features of the product

Easy management platform
Fast performance
Strong security
Flexible scalability
Short development time with AI
Multi-language and Multi-database support

Functions of the product

  • User
  • Menu
  • Role
  • Language
  • Code
  • Tree
  • Matrix
  • Api Management
  • Theme
  • SSO/OAuth
  • System Report
  • Scheduler
  • Works
  • APM (Application Performance Management)
  • Transaction Tracking
  • Application Topology
  • Inspection
  • Security Monitor
  • Memory Monitor
  • Database Monitor
  • Configuration
  • Explorer
  • Scale-Out
  • Web base IDE
  • AI Developer
  • Database Tool
  • ERD Tool
  • Issue Management
  • Document Management
  • CI/CD


Get started with our powerful suite of tools and revolutionize your development ecosystem.

Download Now, Ver 1.24.356


Getting Started


이 소프트웨어는 저작권법에 의해 보호됩니다. 소유자의 명시적인 허가 없이 복제, 수정, 배포, 판매, 또는 상업적 용도로 사용하는 것은 저작권법과 계약 위반에 해당할 수 있으며, 법적 책임이 따를 수 있습니다. 그러나 비상업적 용도의 경우, 무료 소프트웨어로 이용이 가능합니다.

사용 문의 :

라이선스 키 요청 :
아래 양식으로 으로 이메일을 보내주시면, 라이선스 키를 발급해 드립니다.

양식 :
- 회사/개인 명 : (주)우리회사이름
- 담당자 성명 : 홍길동
- 담당자 연락처(핸드폰) : 010-0000-0000
- 담당자 이메일 :
- 사용 도메인 :
- 사용 버전 : 1.x.x

This software is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized reproduction, modification, distribution, sale, or commercial use without the explicit permission of the owner may constitute a violation of copyright law and contractual agreements, potentially leading to legal liability. However, for non-commercial use, it is available as free software.

For inquiries, contact :

License Key Request :
Please send an email to with the following information, and we will issue a license key.

Template :
- Company/Individual Name: (e.g., Our Company Ltd.)
- Contact Person Name : (e.g., John Doe)
- Contact Person Phone (Mobile): (e.g., 010-0000-0000)
- Contact Person Email : (e.g.,
- Domain Used : (e.g.,
- Version Used : (e.g., 1.x.x)

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